Thursday, June 12, 2008

Grooming Day

Kai is entered in a dog show this week end here in Regina so today was a serious grooming day. Bath time was earlier in the week, but today was trim and start the poofing time. I took him over to my sister Susan's since she is way better at grooming shelties than I am. Plus it was her birthday so I figured that letting her do the grooming would make a pretty good birthday present. Not sure that she agreed. Anyway, Happy Birthday Susan!

So here is Kai up on the grooming table, partly groomed in preparation for going in the ring tomorrow.

When we were done the sun made a brief appearance between all the rain we have been having. It was good timing for the dogs as they had excess energy to burn off after being cooped up in the house for the last few days. I guess Kai forgave Auntie Susan for the grooming. Notice the swishy tail!
Kai's registered name is WillowGlyn 4 Off the Floor and this is why...
Kai is a brat. His idea of a good time is to harass who ever will let him. Or in the case of Robbie, who isn't afraid of telling him off. Robbie may look fierce with his teeth bared, but he is really having just as good of time as Kai.
Fur already partly flattened by the wet grass, Kai was reluctant to leave his play mates.

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