Friday, May 16, 2008

Peace and Quiet At Last!

Dallas and the kids just went to Grandpa's cottage for the week end. I have so much to do around the house that I stayed home again. At least that is my story, and I am sticking to it! The garden hasn't even been dug, let alone planted. The whole house is a disaster area since I have been so busy with the Etsy shop.

I got a request to make a lanyard yesterday and I had a great time doing it. Bonus that it turned out great!I made it from the tie dye beads that are so popular for the row counters. And I also made a great new on line friend with Anne from Nashville.

This week Katie got her green belt in Kempo. It take approximately 1 year to get a new colour belt and this is the kid's 4th year. Christopher's green belt will be coming up shortly. They are always so proud when they pass the test for a new belt. And so are mom and dad.